My Best Contacts

2 Reasons to Always Carry Your Spare Glasses with You

You’ve heeded the good advice. You have a great pair of designer eyeglasses at home as a back-up for those rare days when your eyes aren’t happy with contacts or when you just want to make a fashion statement.

But did you ever think that keeping those spare eyeglass frames at home may not be the best idea? In fact, I think it’s smartest to carry your spare pair of eyeglasses with you wherever you go. You can carry them in your purse, backpack, or briefcase. Or, simply keep them in the dashboard of your vehicle. Wherever you put them, keeping them accessible when you are not at home is very important.

Here are two good reasons why:

  1. You are always ready to drive. Here’s a true story where I learned my lesson. One evening, I went out with friends wearing my contact lenses with a great outfit and feeling fine. Then, after about 45 minutes sitting in an outdoor bar area waiting for a table for dinner, my eyes started itching. I tried to manage it. I tried my eye drops. I tried everything. But my eyes kept getting redder and redder until I couldn’t stand the irritation anymore. The only solution was to get those lenses out. But, I didn’t have my glasses with me and had driven there myself. There were only two possible solutions: get a ride home and then another ride to pick up my car after I could see again. Or, drive home half-blind. Neither were convenient. I wished I had my glasses along.
  1. You don’t want to miss a thing. Sadly, I was a bit of a thick-skulled college student. Taking along my glasses to a movie? Nah. Who needs that! But, after a full day of classes and screens and a really short stint of sleep the night before, 10pm hit and my eyes were done. They were so dry and they just wanted to be closed. Unfortunately, I was at a great movie. One we had bought tickets for that morning just in case it sold out. While in the restroom trying to resurrect my dry eyes, a lens fell out. It needed to be cleaned before it could go back in. And, that movie…well, it wasn’t quite as exciting when I couldn’t see the screen clearly.

As you can see, having your glasses handy is very important. As great as contacts are, your eyes need a break from them from time to time, and you don’t want to be left blind at those times. Don’t have a pair of spare eyeglasses in your current prescription? Then head over to your closest America’s Best retailer, and get a pair for home and a pair to carry with you for one low price!