My Best Contacts

4 Ways To Help Your Dry Eyes This Allergy Season

Allergy season is here… again.  Sadly, I don’t have to catch the allergen forecast on the news to know it’s here.  My eyes tell me.

If you are like me, dealing with dry (and sometimes red) eyes when the allergen counts are high is a huge challenge.  Sometimes I’ll wake up in the morning and my eyes will just feel bad. Or other times, I’ll be fine all day but then spend some time outside and find myself wanting to claw my eyeballs out later because they ITCH so badly.

What’s an allergy sufferer to do when the particles in the air make our eyes go nuts?  Here are a few suggestions:

1. Give Your Contacts a Break:

I love my contact lenses too. But, let’s be real, there are a few days a year when they just don’t feel good because my eyes are not in a happy place thanks to my seasonal allergies.  I just look at this as an opportunity to dust off my fashion frames and make a statement in my glasses for two weeks a year.  If you haven’t updated your glasses look or if you don’t have a pair of glasses in your current prescription, make that a priority.  Your local America’s Best retailer can have you in a new pair fast.

Get some good eye drops:

There are several different options available, but pay attention to what each brand offers and treats.  Some drops are specifically for problems like allergies or red eyes.  Some drops are designed for contact lens wearers –which means you may be able to use them with your contact lenses in.  Other drops may just be re-wetting or lubricating drops and they may not help your allergy, dry eye problems.  Let me assure you from personal experience that trying to use a type of drop not designed for lens wearers–while you are wearing your lenses — will not be a pleasant experience. (Can you say, “Ouch?”) Prescription drops are an option if you are really suffering.  I can attest to the fact that they work!

Wear Your Shades:

Sunglasses can be your best friend if you are an allergy sufferer who wears contact lenses.  Your shades acts as a barrier between your eyes and the particles in the air that can attach to your lenses.


The cleaner you can keep your face and hair the easier it will be on your eyes. Experts recommend that allergy sufferers shower at night to get off any allergens accumulated during the day that may be stuck in their hair or other parts of the head and face that may not get completely washed off before bed time.

Feel like your allergy eye problems won’t go away no matter what? Make an appointment with your America’s Best optometrist to discuss your needs today!