My Best Contacts

Are Contact Lenses Comfortable?

On most days, you’ll find me wearing contact lenses. I’ve worn contacts on a daily basis for so many decades that I don’t even think about it anymore. I put them in every morning (unless I want to make a fashion statement that day with my designer glasses), and I take them out every evening. It’s almost automatic, to the point that, on mornings when I’m a little drowsy while getting ready, I’ve actually questioned whether or not I put my lenses in and had to give myself an impromptu vision check to make sure!

In other words, my contact lenses are so comfortable I don’t even know that they are there.

They are even cozier than my favorite pair of glasses, because I don’t even know I have them on. You can blink, close your eyes, look around, and even stare at yourself in the mirror and forget you even have them in.

Sure, I can understand the fear of contact lenses.

I had it at one time, too. I thought having something on my eyeball was sure to feel the same as having something in my eyeball. I thought it would be distracting and maybe even a little painful. But nothing could be further from the truth.

I’ve been asked: How can you not feel that you have lenses in?

The answer to that is simple, too. It’s in the design! Contact lenses are designed to be easy to wear. They’re created to be breathable and so lightweight that you almost forget that you even have them in. They now make the contact lenses out of just the right combination of silicone and other breathable materials so they fit in an incredibly comfortable way. The manufacturers have also designed them to sit at just the right spot on your cornea and to work with your eyes to allow air and moisture to filter through. If it’s been a while since you tried on contact lenses, you may want to try again. The technology has changed in the last few decades, and it does make a difference.

If you’re tempted to try contact lenses but don’t believe they could possibly be that comfortable for you, then let me encourage you to ask your optometrist. If you go to a licensed doctor of optometry at your closest America’s Best store, he or she will let you try on some sample lenses to see for yourself!