My Best Contacts

Caring for Your Contacts: Do You Make These Mistakes?

I’ll confess…sometimes I forget just how important it is to take good care of my contact lenses. I read a study recently that, sadly, proved I’m not alone. In fact, it said that 80% of contact lens wearers are a little negligent from time to time. We forget to clean them, sleep in them (when we weren’t supposed to), use our spit to clean them off (yikes), and have no idea how old our contact lens case is.

So, the question is: How are you doing? See how many of these common contact lens care mistakes you are making:

Mistake 1: You wear your contact lenses for longer than the intended amount of time.

The box says weekly lenses, but you are on month 2 and they still “feel ok.” Here’s the problem with that, although they may feel okay, the composition of that lens is not designed to last that long. You may be compromising the sterility and breathability of the lens by using it longer than intended. It’s always safest for your eyes to follow the recommended usage time.

Mistake 2: You confuse disinfectant with saline.

You squirted the saline on and rubbed a little. They’re clean now, right? Hardly. Saline is to lubricate your lenses and can be used in a pinch to get some dirt off, but optometrists recommend that (depending on your lens type) you regularly disinfect both lenses, overnight to remove bacteria and other particles you can’t see!

Mistake 3: You’ve been using the same contact case since 1998.

Ok, that’s a little extreme, but if you can’t remember when you got out that case you are currently storing your lens in, it’s time to get a new one. Ideally – change cases every season or when your case looks like it’s worn out!

Mistake 4: Your lenses are clean, but your hands…Not so much.

You’ve diligently disinfected your lenses all night long only to touch them with those same hands that scrubbed the dishes, changed a diaper, you get the idea…Use soap and water to clean your hands thoroughly before touching those contact lenses.

Are you making mistakes in your contact lens care routine? If you have questions or concerns, please visit an optometrist in your closest America’s Best retailer and get the answers you need to keep your eyes healthy and contact lens happy!