My Best Contacts

The Stuff of Sci-Fi: Futuristic Contacts & High Tech Cases

You most likely have a typical nightly routine… Wash your face, brush your teeth, put your contact lenses in their case to sterilize overnight and plug in your devices to charge. What if in the not so distant future those last two nightly tasks were combined? What if you had to charge your contact lenses every night just like your other devices?

In a press release from August of this year, EPGL, a biomedical device manufacturing and marketing company, announced that the company is developing new technology that turns your contact lenses into mini-computers. Those “smart” contacts will be stored in EPGL’s “Smart Case” which will operate as a charging and data download station for your high tech case.

The augmented vision industry is on the cusp of many new technological advances

EPGL has several patents pending for this innovative technology. The Smart Case will house improved contact lenses that will operate similar to a mobile phone, with texts and emails bring projected directly into the eye. EPGL’s high tech cases will serve as a “mothership” for the high tech lenses, but a prototype of this product may far from completion. Combining the fluid environment in which contacts must be stored and the incredibly advanced technology of these lenses will keep developers very busy.

If it all sounds a little too sci-fi for you, get ready.

Movies like Mission Impossible are already demonstrating the future of high tech cases and market predictions say that this technology will exist at some point; it’s only a matter of when! Forget the smart watch, and there will be no need to carry a clunky phone around in your pocket. Everything you need to access will be right in your eye! The press release from EP Global Communications cites a comment from Forbes Magazine from July 31, 2015, which says “Forget about the Apple Watch…we’re about to enter the next level of high tech innovation – connecting with yourself.”