My Best Contacts

Pregnancy and Your Eyes

Pregnancy turns a mom-to-be’s life upside down! The baby growing inside her dictates what she eats and drinks, her activities, and, of course, how she feels physically.  I’ve had four babies in the last five years, and so I’ve experienced it all. But, some of the changes that were most unexpected to me were the changes that took place in my eyes!

Yes, that’s right – pregnancy can even affect your vision.  Here’s what I’ve learned and some tips for caring for your eyes if you are pregnant:

1)    Get some stylish designer glasses (maybe two pairs) you love! Here’s the truth: your body is going to keep changing over the next year (at least).  Even if your maternity clothes are cute–some days you will still feel blah.  Having great fashion glasses (even if they are cheap designer glasses) can make you feel and look good on days when your waistband just won’t cooperate.  Unlike designer clothes, designer eyeglass frames will fit you no matter what your size! Designer frames made by top brands like Daisy Fuentes, Guess, and Cosmopolitan can be a cheap way to add style to your wardrobe when your clothes just can’t.

2)    Prepare for dry eyes.  Pregnancy takes its toll on the amount of moisture your eyes produce thanks to hormonal changes. You may find that your contact lenses aren’t as comfortable or that your eyes are red more often.  Visit your eye doctor and invest in some good eye drops.  It may also be time to update your eyeglasses and wear them more.  I love wearing my contacts, but during pregnancy I found my glasses to be much more comfortable.

3)    Monitor your vision.  Many women find that their eyesight changes during pregnancy—mine did! Often it will change back, but it’s good to pay attention to vision changes and visit your eye doctor, especially if you feel it becoming difficult for you to do normal activities like work or drive at night.  Sometimes even a pair of reading glasses (don’t worry designer reading glasses can be really cute) can help if you are experiencing a slight vision change.

4)    Seeing Spots? Floaters, or spots that seem to “float” across your field of sight, are fairly common in pregnancy as they occur with blood pressure changes.  But, dark spots that cover a wider field of vision could be scotomata that may indicate a complication like preeclampsia.  Find an eye doctor and schedule an appointment if you are experiencing this condition and are unsure.

If you have any questions about your vision during your pregnancy, be sure to bring them up to your obstetrician and make an appointment to see your eye doctor.