My Best Contacts

Good Ratio of Wearing Glasses vs. Contacts During the Week

Ratio of time in contact lenses vs. time in glasses

Modern day contact lenses are designed for you to wear as much and as often as you need to! In fact, as contact lens technology advances, the amount of time you can wear them increases. Many brands boast of their lenses’ ability to stay moist, keep oxygen filtering through to your eyes, and stay comfortable – even while you sleep!

With lenses this easy to wear, who needs to wear eyeglasses?

You do.

Extended wear contact lenses can be very comfortable and you may leave them in for a week (or longer, depending on lens type) at a time. But your eyes need a break. A rest. A time out.

How long of a break? That’s the good news. You don’t have to leave your lenses out for weeks at a time. Giving your eyes an occasional break is a healthy practice. Besides, when else are you going to wear those fashion eyeglasses you have sitting in the case?

It may take a while to find the right ratio of time spent in your contacts vs. in your glasses. In general, here are some guidelines to think about if you wear contact lenses the majority of your day:

Daily wear lenses

If you wear the type of lenses that need to be removed at night, many optometrists suggest wearing your contact lenses 10-12 hours a day and then removing them when you get home (if possible). This allows your eyes a 12-14 hour break every night. If you wear your contact lenses for longer than 10-12 hours, there’s no problem or health risk with doing so. If you want to give your eyes a substantial break, consider leaving your contacts out all day Saturday or Sunday. You could also choose to wear your glasses one or two days during the week.

Extended wear lenses

If you wear the type of lenses that can stay in for longer than one day and if you sleep in them, then optometrists suggest you give your eyes a break in between lens changes. Consider leaving your lenses out for a full day before you put in your next pair to give your eyes enough time to heal and breathe. If you can’t do this, then consider taking your contact lenses out at the mid-way point in your wear-week and cleaning them overnight — just to give your eyes a bit of a break.

As always, if your eyes feel overly dry, tired or uncomfortable, remove your contact lenses. This is how your eyes’ say ‘it’s time for a break!’ Listen to them! Leave your lenses out for at least one night and sterilize them. If they don’t feel better in the morning, consult your America’s Best optometrist.