My Best Contacts

‘Tis the Season…for Colored Contacts

The holidays are a time when you get together with friends old and new. And regardless of whether it’s been a week or a year since you’ve seen each other, your eyes are the first thing people notice.

This holiday, blow their minds by amplifying your look with a pair of colored contacts. Colored contact lenses give you a fresh new look with minimal effort and completely change your appearance. And the best part, you can have perfect vision and still be able to wear colored contact lenses.

Get Your Eyes Ready For the Holidays

Of course, the initial step before making any vision correction or before introducing any new device (such as contact lenses or even eyeglasses) to your eyes, is to consult your eye doctor.  Before getting your contact lenses, you will need a contact lens exam, which believe it or not, is in fact different than an eyeglass exam. Your contact lens exam will include taking different measurements of your eye to have you properly fitted for your colored contact lenses.

The second part is deciding what color(s) to get. You can get lenses that enhance the eye color you already have. These are called “enhancementlenses, and they are ideal for those with blue or green eyes. Or you can choose opaque lenses which transform the color of your eye completely. Opaque lenses are the usually the type men and women with darker eye colors choose.

After You’ve Ordered Your Color Contacts

After ordering, your America’s Best optometrist will want you to try your new contact lenses on in the office to ensure that measurement is accurate and that the lens fits over your eye perfectly.

If you aren’t already a contact lens wearer, it’s a little tricky wearing contacts for the first time. Your eyes’ natural instinct may be to resist the lenses, but with a little practice and a lot of patience, you will be able to pop your contact lenses in and out in no time.

Please remember never to purchase your contact lenses from a drug store or costume shop or anywhere else other than your doctor’s office. Wearing unsafe, cheap contact lenses can lead to serious vision problems, including a variety of eye diseases and even blindness. Looking good shouldn’t mean risking your health.

This holiday season put a little spice in your nice and give yourself a little gift. The gift of a new look!