My Best Contacts

Top 5 Reasons I Love My Contacts

I have been wearing contact lenses for almost twenty years. So, I guess you could say I’m a fan.  Although sometimes I wear my glasses for fashion reasons or because my allergies are acting up, most of the time I prefer my contact lenses.  Today I thought I’d share with you the top reasons why I love wearing contacts and why I’d recommend them for anyone!

5.  Clarity

The most obvious reason I love my contacts is how well they allow me to see!  Glasses limit your periphery vision and, candidly, sometimes if I don’t clean my glasses well, my whole view of the world is fuzzy!  But, through my contacts the world looks crystal clear.

4.  Comfort

I own some comfortable eyeglass frames but there is nothing more comfortable than the freedom of having nothing resting on your face or nose.  Where I live temperatures are regularly over 100 degrees in the summer and while glasses can get hot, my contacts, of course, do not!

3.   Care

As I mentioned above, sometimes my glasses get dirty and for vision to be perfect I have to clean them several times a day. By comparison, I take my contacts out in the evening and leave them to clean overnight…and it’s easy! Or, sometimes I wear extended wear lenses and take them out when their time is up and replace them with a new pair!

2.  Color

A fun perk of wearing contact lenses is you can change your eye color by choosing any of the great colored contact options from brands like FreshLook.  There are colored contacts for people with naturally dark eyes who want a dramatic change or for people with light eyes who just want to enhance or make a slight adjustment to their current eye color. The options are limitless!

And, the number 1 reason:


By far the number one reason I wear my contact lenses is because they are as close as I can come, without surgery, to being able to see clearly anytime, all day or night.  I loved wearing extended wear contacts when my children were born–waking up in the middle of the night with the ability to see was a tremendous benefit!  I just love the feeling of putting in a brand new pair of lenses and being able to see for the rest of the week with very little effort or thought.

Considering contact lenses?  Visit your closest America’s Best and find out even more about the benefits of wearing contact lenses!